Western International Trust Company Limited (1996)

Western’s licensed trust subsidiary, Western International Trust Company, provides access to a full suite of fiduciary services focused on estate planning and wealth management. We are actively engaged in company management and trust administration, as well as the provision of directors and officers.


Western creates viable solutions, bringing in supporting elements, I.e. opening bank and brokerage accounts. Western puts together the components and implements the transactions. Provision of professional accounting and/or bookkeeping services as well as general administrative services through the role of a trusted fiduciary.

Western advises on structuring transactions and operations for corporate customers and their shareholders. Often participating as a member of a team together with the principal’s other advisers, typically lawyers, tax specialists or other business consultants, Western provides creative input and works towards identifying a viable, practical and effective solution. Such solutions usually involve the incorporation of one or more strategically located companies.

After exploratory meetings and discussions leading to the confirmation of a viable solution, Western will provide a written proposal. The proposal will contain a description of Western’s role in the structure, explain the proposed structure and identify the costs. Implementation will not take place until a final written proposal is approved by the client.

Western will then implement the structure or that part of it corresponding to Western’s role. Western then leads the implementation of the transaction or operations. Similarly, Western will assume overall responsibility for the ongoing administration of the structure, including professional accounting services, in addition to its fiduciary responsibilities.

Often in addition to its role as administrator, Western holds shares as trustee or simply nominee and custodian and often provides directors and officers.

Typical client applications where one or more companies are involved include:

  • Star Trusts

  • Discretionary Trusts

  • Reserved Powers Trusts

  • Customized Trusts

Western International Trust Company provides trusteeship and professional trust administration for corporate purposes such as, but not limited to:

Ownership of assets – public and private securities, real estate, intellectual property, physical assets, accounts receivable

Acquisition and custody of securities representing securitized assets

Ownership of assets – (cash, securities, real estate, accounts receivable, etc.) for the purpose of providing guarantees

Sale or purchase of shares of private companies, M&A transactions

The holding of cash and/or securities in escrow

To meet individual objectives such as:

Personal or family succession planning

For the protection of personal or family assets

To be the beneficiary of a life insurance policy

To provide medical care for children or invalids

To facilitate charitable contributions

To hold shares of private companies

To hold and manage investment portfolios

Western forms and administers specialized trusts for the financing, acquisition, and leasing of vessels and aircraft; for the acquisition of securities derived from securitizations; for the purchase and subsequent disposal of minority interests in enterprises; for the ownership and management of investment portfolios, as well as for complex estate planning purposes.


Our priority is to provide sensitive, discreet and personalized service. Our services always place the client first. We work closely with the client’s accounting and legal advisors, banks, or investment firms to achieve the optimum solution. Some specific services include:

  • Provision of Directors and Officers

  • Incorporation Services – Ordinary, Exempt, Foreign and Limited Liability, LLC

  • Revenue and Regulatory Compliance

  • Preparation of financial statements and annual returns

  • Monitoring and bench-marking of trust or corporate investment portfolios

  • Registered Office Services

  • Company Purposes – Real Property, Holding Companies, Equity Investment, Shipping, Aircraft, Intellectual Property, E-Commerce, etc.

Our Mission

To serve high net worth clients with professional and prudent planning in a discretionary environment.

To fulfill this mission, Western International Group comprises four subsidiary groups, each providing financial products and services to minimize fiscal  implications for our clients. The combination of services available are tailored to each client’s investment or immigration needs. We are consistent and proactive in addressing potential fiscal exposure.

International Insurance Management Corporation, Ltd.
Western International Trust Company Limited
Star Insurance Company (Cayman), Ltd.