Star Insurance Company (Cayman), Limited (1992)

Star Insurance Company (Cayman), Limited (1992). Insurance services including global financial planning products focused upon single premium deferred annuity policies and their financial management.

Annuity policies are a vital investment and financial planning tool for fiscal deferral and optimization of net investment returns. This features a powerful mechanism in the the subsequent building of long-term, generational wealth.

Star Insurance is equipped with the expertise to assist high net worth clients with global financial planning via the company’s annuity products and their implementation within structural solutions. These types of policies are ideally suited to those clients migrating between jurisdictions either on a temporary or permanent basis.


An annuity is a contract in which the investor purchases a policy from an insurance company. Funds are placed in an account and invested in various securities under the direction of an investment manager. While the value fluctuates, the most advantageous strategy generates short-term gains and/or investment income, rather than long-term capital gains.

At Star Insurance, we work closely with a client’s other trusted advisors to complete the offshore component of a carefully crafted estate plan. Typically we work with bankers, brokers, accountants, and attorneys to structure single premium deferred variable annuity policies with underlying segregated investment account options.

Combined with certain trust structures, which Western offers through our international Trust subsidiary, a deferred variable annuity policy can assist in achieving more complex financial and estate planning objectives.

Annuity Benefits

  • Security of policy assets – Cayman insurance law provides for the legal separation of investment accounts. Premiums are paid into segregated policy accounts to provide for exclusive future policy benefits. Premiums must be kept separate from other funds, that is, they cannot be co-mingled, and therefore are without potential liability from any other business of the insurer or any other service provider. Even if an insurer becomes insolvent, the segregated account may only be drawn upon to meet obligations to the annuity policy. As with a trust, an annuity policy offers protection and integrity of assets. Creditors may not attach a policy nor its proceeds.

  • Fiscal efficiency by design – An annuity is structured to maximize fiscal benefits. Profits that accrue on the assets held within a policy are generally not subject to punitive income levies as earned but are deferred until money is withdrawn from the policy at some future date.

  • Professional asset management – Policy assets are managed by professional investment managers.

  • Compound investment returns – Deferred compounding allows assets to grow faster within a fiscally sheltered environment.

  • Low cost structure – Annuity policies are not subject to the overheads typical in conventional U.S. or European insurance policies including distribution systems, multiple office locations, sales commission loads, and multiple layers of government and regulatory fees.

  • Flexibility – Star Insurance clients have access to their capital without any arbitrary withdrawal fees or excessive redemption surcharges. Additionally, clients have access to investments which might not normally be available to those within the U.S., as well as to non-U.S. investment opportunities.
  • Liquidity



Our responsibility is to help you navigate the myriad of complexities confronting global clients. Our ultimate goals are the protection of assets and their prudent management.


Working closely with your personal team of professional advisors, we’ll ensure a comprehensive and integrated solution to private wealth preservation and management.


Fiscal exposures may happen quickly, and we strive to mitigate those exposures for clients before they occur. Our team has the resources and experience.

Our Mission

To serve high net worth clients with professional and prudent planning in a discretionary environment.

To fulfill this mission, Western International Group comprises of three subsidiary groups, each providing financial products and services to minimize fiscal  implications for our clients. The combination of services available are tailored to each client’s investment or immigration needs. We are consistent and proactive in addressing potential fiscal exposure.

International Insurance Management Corporation, Ltd.
Western International Trust Company Limited
Star Insurance Company (Cayman), Ltd.